Aries is ruled by Mars, so now is a great time to step into independence, bravery, freedom, & healthy divine masculinity.
During this full moon 5 Planets 🪐 are in retrograde & a few planets are not in their desired transit.
We are also experiencing a Grand Cardinal Cross at the time of the full moon.
We are still in Libra ♎️ ⚖️season but close to Scorpio ♏️ 🦂 season.
This full moon can be a very personal moon, testing our boundaries making us feel uncomfortable, irritated, & aggressive behavior. 🧘🏻♀️
Be kind to yourself at this time, ask for clarity on the things that you're being tested on.
Let's step into our power & be our true authentic selves 💕
Now is the time to ask where have we given our power? & how do we get it back?
How are we physically, Mentally, & Emotionally? We need to remain in the present and not focus on the past or even the future. We need to focus on the now and what we need to do in this time. 🕰️
This is not a Full Moon that i would not recommend charging your crystals in. ❌💎
Let's remain grounded & in the present 🌟
Peace, Love, & Light 💛
Kate 🌸
